About Tierra Nativa
Tierra Nativa is a Project of Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs, an organization dedicated to nonprofit, tax deductible administration of projects that share common values. Tierra Nativa A.C. is our Mexican partner organization.
Our Mission
The Tierra Nativa Mission is to advise and support traditional indigenous communities who advance the preservation of traditional culture and protect their native lands and natural resources.

Our Associates
Makawi, the Busureliami Program Director
Bbegan his journey after receiving a powerful vision. An elder Cheyenne medicine man appeared to him and prophesized that Makawi would become the voice of his culture and dedicate his life to restoring of Tarahumara traditions.
Randall Gingrich, Tierra Nativa Executive Director
Bcame to the Sierra Tarahumara in 1991 to investigate the impacts of a World Bank Forestry Program and stayed to help Tarahumara communities endangered by logging and other threats.

Candelaria Lechuga Batista
Is a Tarahumara mother of four, the daughter of a shaman (owiruame) who had suffered from illness and abuse prior to becoming a gifted Busuréliami teacher: maestra del corazón y el espiritu en la Comunidad de Mogotavo
Irma Chavez
MS in Social Development and Tarahumara mother of two, is a skilled teacher and community organizer. Irma coordinates the Busureliami program in Choreachi, the Carlos Arroyo Settlement in Chihuahua City, and Rejogochi.
Prudencio Ramos
Son and grandson of great shamans, has led his community in successful defense of their lands and ancient forests for three decades and became a Busuréliami Teacher in his Community, Choreachi in 2020.
Mariano Ontiveros
With Prudencio Ramos were selected by the traditional assembly of Choreachi in 2020, to guide the Busureliami (Inner Awakening) of the Children of Choreachi in 2020.